Version 3.0.3 ( July 27, 2017 )
- Fixed: Knob was displaying incorrectly in edit mode
- Fixed: Custom icons not working in some cases
Version 3.0.1 (02/18/16)
- New: Logo Size option for better positioning.
- New: Option to move the logo on top of the Knob/Dial.
- Fixed: Added option to adjust the space below the Knob/Dial.
- Fixed: Bug causing the stack to not fuction if Font-Awesome is not added.
- Other minor bug fixes.
Version 3.0.0 (02/12/16)
- New: Supports multiple Phantom stacks on a single page.
- New: Supports nesting Phantom stacks inside of eachother.
- New: Knob/Dial mode now supports up to 7 categories/pages.
- New: Optionally highlight the active category with a glowing bullet/dot.
- New: Adjust the size of the icons.
- New: Add hover colors to the Knob/Dial titles and icons.
- New: Use your own pattern or color for the Knob/Dial background.
- New: Adjust the individual icon and title colors for the Knob/Dial using an included snippet.
- New: Add a logo image to the background panel of the Knob/Dial.
- New: Phantom will now show the selected category elements rather than all on page load.
- Improved: Icon layout has been adjusted for the Knob/Dial mode.
- Improved: Added better shadows to the Knob/Dial background panel.
- Improved: Load speed and overall performance.
- Improved: Knob/Dial adjusts to fit mobile screens.
- Improved: Settings layout has been change to be more user friendly.
- Fixed: Bug that was causing the icons to move off center in some themes.
- Other minor bug fixes.
Version 2.0.0 (4/23/15)
- RW6 Ready
- New Icon
- Font Awesome Updated to latest version
- Max-width Options
- 2 Media Query options with width options
- New Knobs
- Subtle knob white
- Subtle knob black
- Simple metal knob white
- Simple metal knob black
- Hud blue Dial
- Hud orange Dial
- New Wood Knob Background
- Button alignment options
- New Buttons Styles
Version 1.7.2
- Fixed: Bug causing Firefox and Internet Explorer browsers to display incorrect fonts
Version 1.7.1
- Now uses FontAwesome v. 4.0.3
- Fixed slow down issues while in edit mode
- Fixed issue where you could no longer see the icon chart
- Custom Icons now use code relating to the new version of FontAwesome, see tutorial here
Version 1.6.2
- Minor follow-up bug fix to version 1.6.1
Version 1.6.1
- New Sorting Option.You can use this input section to number your elements. Elements will sort in decending order. You can use the date format YYYY-MM-DD or just number your elements and they will sort in descending order.
Version 1.5.1
- Increased compatibility with other stacks
Version 1.5.0
- Added font size control to the Knob/Dial version
- The Knob/Dial can now also display titles
- The Knob/Dial has an option to display titles only on mouse hover
- You can use custom icon images in both the button and Knob/Dial version of the stack, more info will be added to the tutorial page
- The Knob/Dial is no longer limited to 5 items, you can now add between 2 and 5 items
- You can now increase the size for the icons and titles to 30px
- The Buttons version now allows you to adjust the padding and spacing of the buttons
- Fixed various small bugs
Version 1.0.4
- Fixed Font Awesome Conflicts with certain 3rd party themes